

We strive to deliver products purchased from Royal Look in excellent condition and in the fastest time possible.

How long does delivery take?
Delivery will take approximately 5-30 business days (international orders). 
Locally within Tanzania 1-3 Days
Do you deliver internationally?
Yes, we deliver to most countries worldwide.
All International orders are sent  via FedEx, UPS, DHL, EMS. 
Has my order been dispatched yet?
We will send you a confirmation email with a tracking number as soon as your order has been 
dispatched. Please wait for this email before heading in to store.
If you haven’t received a confirmation email within 3 business days of placing your order, 
please contact us.
Can I track my order?
Yes, once your order is dispatched, you can track it at anytime
On the day your order is dispatched, we’ll send you a confirmation email which will include 
your tracking number. 
If you haven’t received a confirmation email within 3 business days of placing your order, 
please contact us.
How will my order be delivered?
You should receive your order within  7-30 business days internationally. If your order has 
not been delivered within this time, please contact us, quoting the tracking number supplied 
to you in your confirmation email. 
A signature will be required on delivery, so please make sure you provide an address where 
someone will be available to sign for the delivery.
If no one is available to sign for the delivery, your order will be forwarded to your local post 
office for collection. Alternatively, please leave delivery instructions at checkout if you wish 
for your order to be left unattended. 
How much does shipping cost?
Please note that our shipping does not cover any international customs duties or sales taxes
 that may be payable upon delivery.
Do you deliver to work addresses?
Yes, we can deliver to your work address.
Please ensure the business name is added to the shipping address at checkout and that 
someone will be available to receive the order, as a signature will be required on delivery.
If there is a problem with my order who do I contact?
If there is a problem with your N'oree online order, please contact us straightaway with your 
contact details and we will follow up as soon as possible.
Please include as much detail as possible and your order number so we can investigate promptly.

Do you deliver to store?
Yes, we do deliver to our Tanzania store, click here for more

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We make pieces that are not only for that day but for a lifetime as I believe class and elegance never goes out of style.

In matter of style, swim with the current, in matter of principle stand like a rock, the supreme excellence is simplicity
