Billing Details

Information We Need
  • The name, phone number and e-mail address of the person placing the order. Shipping confirmations and tracking numbers are e-mailed to this address.                                            
  • Your bill-to address and e-mail address. Invoices are e-mailed to this address.                      
  • Your ship-to address, if different from the bill-to address.                                                           
  • The quantity, description and part number of each item.                                                             

Where to send your inquiries

You can e-mail your inquiries  to                                                                        

Telephone Orders

To help prevent shipping errors, we do not accept telephone orders.

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We make pieces that are not only for that day but for a lifetime as I believe class and elegance never goes out of style.

In matter of style, swim with the current, in matter of principle stand like a rock, the supreme excellence is simplicity
